ডিকশনারী হল একটি সংকলন যা ক্রমহীন, পরিবর্তনযোগ্য এবং সূচীযুক্ত। পাইথনে, অভিধানগুলি কোঁকড়া বন্ধনী দিয়ে লেখা হয় এবং তাদের কী এবং মান রয়েছে। এটি প্রতিদিনের প্রোগ্রামিং, ওয়েব ডেভেলপমেন্ট এবং মেশিন লার্নিং-এ ব্যাপকভাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়।
# using dict comprehension # initialising dictionary ini_dict = {101: "vishesh", 201 : "laptop"} # print initial dictionary print("initial dictionary : ", str(ini_dict)) # inverse mapping using dict comprehension inv_dict = {v: k for k, v in ini_dict.items()} # print final dictionary print("inverse mapped dictionary : ", str(inv_dict)) # using zip and dict functions # initialising dictionary ini_dict = {101: "vishesh", 201 : "laptop"} # print initial dictionary print("initial dictionary : ", str(ini_dict)) # inverse mapping using zip and dict functions inv_dict = dict(zip(ini_dict.values(), ini_dict.keys())) # print final dictionary print("inverse mapped dictionary : ", str(inv_dict)) # using map and reversed # initialising dictionary ini_dict = {101: "akshat", 201 : "ball"} # print initial dictionary print("initial dictionary : ", str(ini_dict)) # inverse mapping using map and reversed inv_dict = dict(map(reversed, ini_dict.items())) # print final dictionary print("inverse mapped dictionary : ", str(inv_dict)) # using lambda # initialising dictionary ini_dict = {101 : "akshat", 201 : "ball"} # print initial dictionary print("initial dictionary : ", str(ini_dict)) # inverse mapping using lambda lambda ini_dict: {v:k for k, v in ini_dict.items()} # print final dictionary print("inverse mapped dictionary : ", str(ini_dict))
('initial dictionary : ', "{201: 'laptop', 101: 'vishesh'}") ('inverse mapped dictionary : ', "{'laptop': 201, 'vishesh': 101}") ('initial dictionary : ', "{201: 'laptop', 101: 'vishesh'}") ('inverse mapped dictionary : ', "{'laptop': 201, 'vishesh': 101}") ('initial dictionary : ', "{201: 'ball', 101: 'akshat'}") ('inverse mapped dictionary : ', "{'ball': 201, 'akshat': 101}") ('initial dictionary : ', "{201: 'ball', 101: 'akshat'}") ('inverse mapped dictionary : ', "{201: 'ball', 101: 'akshat'}")