দুটি লাইন ছেদ করছে কিনা তা পরীক্ষা করার জন্য নীচের আদিম ব্যবহার করার জন্য এখানে একটি C++ প্রোগ্রাম রয়েছে। একটি রেখা একটি রেখার অংশকে ছেদ করে কিনা তা পরীক্ষা করতে এটি ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে। যদি এবং শুধুমাত্র যদি সেগমেন্টের একটি শেষ বিন্দু লাইনের বাম দিকে থাকে এবং অন্যটি ডানদিকে থাকে।
Begin For generating equation of the first line, generate random numbers for coefficient of x and y by using rand at every time of compilation. For generating equation of the second line, generate random numbers for coefficient of x and y by using rand at every time of compilation. Find the segment of line 1 as Y1. if (Y1 < 0) Find the segment of line 2 if (Y2 >= 0) print they are intersecting. else if (Y2 < 0) print they are not intersecting. else if (Y1 >0) Find the segment of line 2 if (Y2 <= 0) print they are intersecting. else if (Y2 >0) print they are not intersecting. End.
উদাহরণ কোড
#include<time.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<iostream> #include<math.h> using namespace std; const int L = 2; const int H= 20; int main(int argc, char **argv) { time_t s; time(&s); srand((unsigned int) s); int x1, x2, y1, y2; x1 = rand() % (H - L+ 1) + L; x2 = rand() % (H - L+ 1) + L; y1 = rand() % (H- L+ 1) + L; y2 = rand() % (H - L + 1) + L; cout << "The Equation of the 1st line is : (" << (y2 - y1) << ")x+(" << (x1 - x2) << ")y+(" << (x2 * y1 - x1 * y2) << ") = 0\n"; int p1, p2, q1, q2; p1 = rand() % (H- L+ 1) + L; p2 = rand() % (H- L + 1) + L; q1 = rand() % (H - L + 1) + L; q2 = rand() % (H - L + 1) + L; cout << "The Equation of the 2nd line is : (" << (q2 - q1) << ")x+(" << (p1 - p2) << ")y+(" << (p2 * q1 - p1 * q2) << ") = 0\n"; int Y1 = (y2 - y1) * p1 + (x1 - x2) * q1 + (x2 * y1 - x1 * y2); //Y1 segment if (Y1 < 0) { int Y2 = (y2 - y1) * p2 + (x1 - x2) * q2 + (x2 * y1 - x1 * y2); //Y2 segment if (Y2 >= 0) cout << "Lines are intersecting"; else if (Y2 < 0) cout << "Lines are not intersecting"; } else if (Y1 >0) { int Y2 = (y2 - y1) * p2 + (x1 - x2) * q2 + (x2 * y1 - x1 * y2); if (Y2 <= 0) cout << "Lines are intersecting"; else if (Y2 >0) cout << "Lines are not intersecting"; } else cout << "The point lies on the line"; return 0; }
The Equation of the 1st line is : (-3)x+(2)y+(1) = 0 The Equation of the 2nd line is : (-5)x+(-5)y+(130) = 0 Lines are intersecting The Equation of the 1st line is : (-1)x+(7)y+(-15) = 0 The Equation of the 2nd line is : (-4)x+(4)y+(-8) = 0 Lines are not intersecting