এই প্রোগ্রামে এলোমেলো শীর্ষবিন্দু এবং প্রান্তগুলির জন্য একটি এলোমেলো গ্রাফ তৈরি করা হয়। এই প্রোগ্রামের সময় জটিলতা হল O(v * e)। যেখানে v হল শীর্ষবিন্দুর সংখ্যা এবং e হল প্রান্তের সংখ্যা।
Begin Develop a function GenRandomGraphs(), with ‘e’ as the number of edges and ‘v’ as the number of vertexes, in the argument list. Assign random values to the number of vertex and edges of the graph, using rand() function. Print the connections of each vertex, irrespective of the direction. Print “Isolated vertex” for the vertex having no degree. End
#include<iostream> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; void GenRandomGraphs(int NOEdge, int NOVertex) { int i, j, edge[NOEdge][2], count; i = 0; //Assign random values to the number of vertex and edges of the graph, Using rand(). while(i < NOEdge) { edge[i][0] = rand()%NOVertex+1; edge[i][1] = rand()%NOVertex+1; //Print the connections of each vertex, irrespective of the direction. if(edge[i][0] == edge[i][1]) continue; else { for(j = 0; j < i; j++) { if((edge[i][0] == edge[j][0] && edge[i][1] == edge[j][1]) || (edge[i][0] == edge[j][1] && edge[i][1] == edge[j][0])) i--; } }i ++; } cout<<"\nThe generated random graph is: "; for(i = 0; i < NOVertex; i++) { count = 0; cout<<"\n\t"<<i+1<<"-> { "; for(j = 0; j < NOEdge; j++) { if(edge[j][0] == i+1) { cout<<edge[j][1]<<" "; count++; } else if(edge[j][1] == i+1) { cout<<edge[j][0]<<" "; count++; } else if(j== NOEdge-1 && count == 0) cout<<"Isolated Vertex!"; //Print “Isolated vertex” for the vertex having no degree. } cout<<" }"; } } int main() { int i, e, n; cout<<"Random graph generation: "; n= 7 + rand()%6; cout<<"\nThe graph has "<<n<<" vertices"; e = rand()%((n*(n-1))/2); cout<<"\nand has "<<e<<" edges."; GenRandomGraphs(e, n); }
Random graph generation: The graph has 8 vertices and has 18 edges. The generated random graph is: 1-> { 5 4 2 } 2-> { 4 8 6 3 1 5 } 3-> { 5 4 7 2 } 4-> { 2 3 7 1 8 5 } 5-> { 3 1 7 4 2 8 } 6-> { 2 8 7 } 7-> { 4 3 5 6 } 8-> { 2 6 4 5 }