ডাটা স্ট্রাকচারে, লিঙ্কড লিস্ট হল ডাটা এলিমেন্টের একটি রৈখিক সংগ্রহ। একটি তালিকার প্রতিটি উপাদান বা নোড দুটি আইটেম নিয়ে গঠিত - ডেটা এবং পরবর্তী নোডের একটি রেফারেন্স। শেষ নোড নাল একটি রেফারেন্স আছে. একটি লিঙ্কযুক্ত তালিকায় প্রবেশ বিন্দুকে তালিকার প্রধান বলা হয়।
সার্কুলার ডাবললি লিঙ্কড লিস্টে, পরপর দুটি উপাদান পূর্ববর্তী এবং পরবর্তী পয়েন্টার দ্বারা সংযুক্ত বা সংযুক্ত থাকে এবং শেষ নোড পরবর্তী পয়েন্টার দ্বারা প্রথম নোডের দিকে নির্দেশ করে এবং প্রথম নোডটিও পূর্ববর্তী পয়েন্টার দ্বারা শেষ নোডকে নির্দেশ করে৷
বৃত্তাকারভাবে দ্বিগুণ লিঙ্কযুক্ত তালিকায়, নোড ডেটা ক্ষেত্রের সমস্ত ডেটা মানগুলি সাজানো থাকবে। এই ধরনের লিঙ্ক করা তালিকায় নতুন নোড সন্নিবেশ করার সময় এটি যত্ন নেওয়া হবে।
Begin Create a class circulardoublylist within which we have following functions: nod *create_node(int) = To memory allocated for node dynamically. insert_begin() = To Insert elements at beginning of the list. If the list is empty, then insert the node and set next and previous pointer as NULL. If the list is not empty, insert the data and set next and previous pointer and update them. insert_end() = To Insert elements at end of the list. If the list is empty create a node as circular doubly list. Find last node. Create node dynamically. Start going to be the next of new node. Make new node as previous node. Make last previous of new node Make new node next of old last insert_pos() = To insert elements at a specified position of the list. insert the data. Enter the position at which element to be inserted. If the list is empty insert node at first. If list is not empty find node having position and next node. Insert the node between them. delete_pos() = To delete elements from specified position of the list. if list is empty then return. Enter the position from which node need to be deleted. If list has one node delete it and update next and prev pointers. If list has more than one node node then delete the node at particular position and update next and prev pointer. sort() = To sort elements in the list. if the list is empty return. Sort the elements in the list. display() = To display the list. reverse() = To reverse the list. End
উদাহরণ কোড
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std; struct nod { int info; struct nod *n; struct nod *p; }*start, *last; int count = 0; class circulardoublylist { public: nod *create_node(int); void insert_begin(); void insert_end(); void insert_pos(); void delete_pos(); void sort(); void display(); void reverse(); circulardoublylist() { start = NULL; last = NULL; } }; int main() { int c; circulardoublylist cdl; while (1) { cout<<"1.Insert at Beginning"<<endl; cout<<"2.Insert at End"<<endl; cout<<"3.Insert at Position"<<endl; cout<<"4.Delete at Position"<<endl; cout<<"5.sort the list"<<endl; cout<<"6.Display List"<<endl; cout<<"7.Reverse List"<<endl; cout<<"8.Exit"<<endl; cout<<"Enter your choice : "; cin>>c; switch(c) { case 1: cdl.insert_begin(); break; case 2: cdl.insert_end(); break; case 3: cdl.insert_pos(); break; case 4: cdl.delete_pos(); break; case 5: cdl.sort(); break; case 6: cdl.display(); break; case 7: cdl.reverse(); break; case 8: exit(1); default: cout<<"Wrong choice"<<endl; } } return 0; } nod* circulardoublylist::create_node(int v) { count++; struct nod *t; t = new(struct nod); t->info = v; t->n = NULL; t->p = NULL; return t; } void circulardoublylist::insert_begin() { int v; cout<<endl<<"Enter the element to be inserted: "; cin>>v; struct nod *t; t = create_node(v); if (start == last && start == NULL) { cout<<"Element inserted in empty list"<<endl; start = last = t; start->n = last->n = NULL; start->p = last->p = NULL; } else { t->n = start; start->p = t; start = t; start->p = last; last->n = start; cout<<"Element inserted"<<endl; } } void circulardoublylist::insert_end() { int v; cout<<endl<<"Enter the element to be inserted: "; cin>>v; struct nod *t; t = create_node(v); if (start == last && start == NULL) { cout<<"Element inserted in empty list"<<endl; start = last = t; start->n= last->n = NULL; start->p = last->p= NULL; } else { last->n= t; t->p= last; last = t; start->p = last; last->n= start; } } void circulardoublylist::insert_pos() { int v, pos, i; cout<<endl<<"Enter the element to be inserted: "; cin>>v; cout<<endl<<"Enter the position of element inserted: "; cin>>pos; struct nod *t, *s, *ptr; t = create_node(v); if (start == last && start == NULL) { if (pos == 1) { start = last = t; start->n = last->n = NULL; start->p = last->p = NULL; } else { cout<<"Position out of range"<<endl; count--; return; } } else { if (count < pos) { cout<<"Position out of range"<<endl; count--; return; } s = start; for (i = 1;i <= count;i++) { ptr = s; s = s->n; if (i == pos - 1) { ptr->n = t; t->p= ptr; t->n= s; s->p = t; cout<<"Element inserted"<<endl; break; } } } } void circulardoublylist::delete_pos() { int pos, i; nod *ptr, *s; if (start == last && start == NULL) { cout<<"List is empty, nothing to delete"<<endl; return; } cout<<endl<<"Enter the position of element to be deleted: "; cin>>pos; if (count < pos) { cout<<"Position out of range"<<endl; return; } s = start; if(pos == 1) { count--; last->n = s->n; s->n->p = last; start = s->n; free(s); cout<<"Element Deleted"<<endl; return; } for (i = 0;i < pos - 1;i++ ) { s = s->n; ptr = s->p; } ptr->n = s->n; s->n->p = ptr; if (pos == count) { last = ptr; } count--; free(s); cout<<"Element Deleted"<<endl; } void circulardoublylist::sort() { struct nod *t, *s; int v, i; if (start == last && start == NULL) { cout<<"The List is empty, nothing to sort"<<endl; return; } s = start; for (i = 0;i < count;i++) { t= s->n; while (t != start) { if (s->info > t->info) { v = s->info; s->info = t->info; t->info = v; } t = t->n; } s = s->n; } cout<<"List sorted"<<endl; } void circulardoublylist::display() { int i; struct nod *s; if (start == last && start == NULL) { cout<<"The List is empty, nothing to display"<<endl; return; } s = start; for (i = 0;i < count-1;i++) { cout<<s->info<<"<->"; s = s->n; } cout<<s->info<<endl; } void circulardoublylist::reverse() { if (start == last && start == NULL) { cout<<"The List is empty, nothing to reverse"<<endl; return; } struct nod *p1, *p2; p1 = start; p2 = p1->n; p1->n = NULL; p1->p= p2; while (p2 != start) { p2->p = p2->n; p2->n = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = p2->p; } last = start; start = p1; cout<<"List Reversed"<<endl; }
1.Insert at Beginning 2.Insert at End 3.Insert at Position 4.Delete at Position 5.sort the list 6.Display List 7.Reverse List 8.Exit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the element to be inserted: 7 Element inserted in empty list 1.Insert at Beginning 2.Insert at End 3.Insert at Position 4.Delete at Position 5.sort the list 6.Display List 7.Reverse List 8.Exit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the element to be inserted: 6 Element inserted 1.Insert at Beginning 2.Insert at End 3.Insert at Position 4.Delete at Position 5.sort the list 6.Display List 7.Reverse List 8.Exit Enter your choice : 2 Enter the element to be inserted: 4 1.Insert at Beginning 2.Insert at End 3.Insert at Position 4.Delete at Position 5.sort the list 6.Display List 7.Reverse List 8.Exit Enter your choice : 2 Enter the element to be inserted: 5 1.Insert at Beginning 2.Insert at End 3.Insert at Position 4.Delete at Position 5.sort the list 6.Display List 7.Reverse List 8.Exit Enter your choice : 6 6<->7<->4<->5 1.Insert at Beginning 2.Insert at End 3.Insert at Position 4.Delete at Position 5.sort the list 6.Display List 7.Reverse List 8.Exit Enter your choice : 5 List sorted 1.Insert at Beginning 2.Insert at End 3.Insert at Position 4.Delete at Position 5.sort the list 6.Display List 7.Reverse List 8.Exit Enter your choice : 4 Enter the position of element to be deleted: 3 Element Deleted 1.Insert at Beginning 2.Insert at End 3.Insert at Position 4.Delete at Position 5.sort the list 6.Display List 7.Reverse List 8.Exit Enter your choice : 6 4<->5<->7 1.Insert at Beginning 2.Insert at End 3.Insert at Position 4.Delete at Position 5.sort the list 6.Display List 7.Reverse List 8.Exit Enter your choice : 7 List Reversed 1.Insert at Beginning 2.Insert at End 3.Insert at Position 4.Delete at Position 5.sort the list 6.Display List 7.Reverse List 8.Exit Enter your choice : 6 7<->5<->4 1.Insert at Beginning 2.Insert at End 3.Insert at Position 4.Delete at Position 5.sort the list 6.Display List 7.Reverse List 8.Exit Enter your choice : 8