এটি একটি C++ প্রোগ্রাম যা S-এর মধ্যকার নিকটতম k সংখ্যা খুঁজে বের করার জন্য, যেখানে S হল n সংখ্যার একটি সেট।
Begin function partition() for partitioning the array on the basis of values at high as pivot value: Arguments: a[]=an array. l=low H=high Body of the function: Declare variables pivot, in, i Initialize in = l Set pivot = h For i=l to h-1 if(a[i] < a[pivot]) swap a[i] and a[in]) increment in. swap a[pivot] and a[in] return in. End Begin function QuickSort() to implement quicksort algorithm to sort the data elements: Arguments: a[]=an array. l=low h=high Body of the function: declare pindex if(l < h) index = Partition(a, l, h) QuickSort(a, l, pindex-1); QuickSort(a, pindex+1, h); Return 0. End Begin Function main(), If the number of the data element are odd, Assign the middle index to low and the index next to it to high and calculate median. Run a loop for k times and print the element which his closer to the median. Else The median will be an average of two middle values . Run a loop for k times and print the element which his closer to the median. End
#include<iostream> using namespace std; void swap(int *x, int *y) { //swapping two values int tmp; tmp = *x; *x = *y; *y = tmp; } int Partition(int a[], int l, int h) { int pivot, in, i; in = l; pivot = h; for(i=l; i < h; i++) { if(a[i] < a[pivot]) { swap(&a[i], &a[in]); in++; } } swap(&a[pivot], &a[in]); return in; } int QuickSort(int a[], int l, int h) { int pindex; if(l < h) { pindex = Partition(a, l, h); QuickSort(a, l, pindex-1); QuickSort(a, pindex+1, h); } return 0; } int main() { int n, i, h, l, k; double d1,d2, median; cout<<"Enter the number of element in dataset: "; cin>>n; int a[n]; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { cout<<"\nEnter "<<i+1<<" element: "; cin>>a[i]; } cout<<"\nEnter the number of element nearest to the median required: "; cin>>k; QuickSort(a, 0, n-1); cout<<"The K element nearest to the median are: "; if(n%2 == 1) { median = a[n/2]; h = n/2+1; l= n/2; while(k > 0) { if((median-a[l] <= a[h]-median) && l >= 0) { cout<<" "<<a[l]; l--; k--; } else if((median-a[l] > a[h]-median) && h <= n-1) { cout<<" "<<a[h]; h++; k--; } } } else { d1 = a[n/2]; d2 = a[n/2-1]; median = (d1+d2)/2; h = n/2; l = n/2-1; while(k > 0) { d1 = a[l]; d2 = a[h]; if((median-d2 <= d1-median) && l >= 0) { cout<<" "<<a[l]; l--; k--; } else if((median-d2 > d1-median) && h <= n-1) { cout<<" "<<a[h]; h++; k--; } } } return 0; }
Enter the number of element in dataset: 7 Enter 1 element: 7 Enter 2 element: 6 Enter 3 element: 5 Enter 4 element: 4 Enter 5 element: 3 Enter 6 element: 2 Enter 7 element: 1 Enter the number of element nearest to the median required: 2 The K element nearest to the median are: 4 3