C#-এ Stack.GetEnumerator() পদ্ধতি স্ট্যাকের জন্য একটি IEnumerator ফেরত দিতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।
সিনট্যাক্স নিম্নরূপ -
public virtual System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator ();
আসুন এখন একটি উদাহরণ দেখি -
using System; using System.Collections; public class Demo { public static void Main(){ Stack stack1 = new Stack(); stack1.Push(150); stack1.Push(300); stack1.Push(500); stack1.Push(750); stack1.Push(1000); Console.WriteLine("Stack1 elements..."); foreach(int val in stack1){ Console.WriteLine(val); } Stack stack2 = new Stack(); stack2.Push(350); stack2.Push(400); stack2.Push(500); stack2.Push(850); stack2.Push(900); IEnumerator demoEnum = stack2.GetEnumerator(); Console.WriteLine("Stack2 elements..."); while (demoEnum.MoveNext()) { Console.WriteLine(demoEnum.Current); } Console.WriteLine("\nAre both the stacks equal? = "+stack1.Equals(stack2)); } }
এটি নিম্নলিখিত আউটপুট −
তৈরি করবেStack1 elements... 1000 750 500 300 150 Stack2 elements... 900 850 500 400 350 Are both the stacks equal? = False
এখন আরেকটি উদাহরণ দেখা যাক -
using System; using System.Collections; public class Demo { public static void Main(){ Stack stack = new Stack(); stack.Push("Inspiron"); stack.Push("Alienware"); stack.Push("Projectors"); stack.Push("Monitors"); stack.Push("XPS"); stack.Push("Laptop"); stack.Push("Notebook"); Console.WriteLine("Stack elements..."); foreach(string val in stack){ Console.WriteLine(val); } Console.WriteLine("Count of elements = "+stack.Count); Console.WriteLine("Element Speakers is the stack? = "+stack.Contains("Speakers")); stack.Push("Headphone"); stack.Push("Keyboard"); stack.Push("Earphone"); Console.WriteLine("\nStack elements...updated"); foreach(string val in stack){ Console.WriteLine(val); } Console.WriteLine("Count of elements (updated) = "+stack.Count); Console.WriteLine("\nElement Alienware is the stack? = "+stack.Contains("Alienware")); Stack stack2 = (Stack)stack.Clone(); Console.WriteLine("\nStack elements...cloned"); IEnumerator demoEnum = stack2.GetEnumerator(); while (demoEnum.MoveNext()) { Console.WriteLine(demoEnum.Current); } Console.WriteLine("Count of elements (updated) = "+stack.Count); } }
এটি নিম্নলিখিত আউটপুট −
তৈরি করবেStack elements... Notebook Laptop XPS Monitors Projectors Alienware Inspiron Count of elements = 7 Element Speakers is the stack? = False Stack elements...updated Earphone Keyboard Headphone Notebook Laptop XPS Monitors Projectors Alienware Inspiron Count of elements (updated) = 10 Element Alienware is the stack? = True Stack elements...cloned Earphone Keyboard Headphone Notebook Laptop XPS Monitors Projectors Alienware Inspiron Count of elements (updated) = 10